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actress, directress & author

Saralisa Volm is an actress, filmmaker and author. She studied art history and philosophy. Since 2006 she has appeared as an actress in a wide variety of productions.


Among other things, she made several films with Klaus Lemke, where she also worked as AD and production assistant. In 2009 her film "Dancing with Devils" was awarded with the North German Film Prize for Best Television Film. In 2016 she appeared in "Shakespeares letzte Runde" (R: Achim Bornhak) on arte.


The development of her own projects became more and more important to her and so she founded her own production company POISON. With her company she produces her own films and cultural projects. In autumn 2014 the short film "Die Verwandlung" (directed by Igor Plischke) was created in cooperation with the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg and the Bayerischer Rundfunk. 


With "Fikkefuchs" (directed by Jan Henrik Stahlberg) Saralisa Volm realized her first feature film as lead producer, which the distributor Alamode brought to German cinemas in 2017. The movie opened the New German Cinema series of the Munich Film Festival and was nominated for the German Film Award 2018.


In 2016 she directed a music video for the band "Leather Report" for the first time. Her concept for the short film "Am Draht der Zeit" was awarded and financed by the FFF Bayern and premiered in March 2018.


Saralisa Volm also made a name for herself as an author. She wrote the books "Mamabeat" and "Puff! Splash! Bang! With 52 experiments through the year" and currently runs the project "365 imperfections" on Instagram.


In 2020, Saralisa Volm appeared in Oskar Roehler's Fassbinder drama "Enfant Terrrible", which made it into the Cannes selection as well as opening the Filmfest Hamburg. In 2021, the filmmaker shot her directorial debut "Schweigend steht der Wald" and is also working on her first documentary film. At the Berlinale 2022, the film celebrated its festival premiere in the Perspektive section.

In spring 2022, "When Susan Sontag sat in the audience" was released in cinemas. Saralisa not only stars as the actress in the leading role of Germaine Greer, but is also responsible for the screenplay together with director RP Kahl. This was followed by the cinema release of "Schweigend steht der Wald" in autumn 2022.

In 2023, the filmmaker was a member of the jury for the short and medium-length film competitions at the 44th Max Ophüls Preis Film Festival. On 27 April 2023, she published her new book "Das ewige Ungenügend: Eine Bestandsaufnahme des weiblichen Körpers" (The Eternal Insufficient: An Inventory of the Female Body) with Ullstein. Saralisa Volm also directed the drama "Du wolltest es auch" starring Maria Furtwängler.


2024 Saralisa Volm directed the Dresden "Tatort - Schwesternliebe". "At the End of Truth" will celebrate its premiere at the Munich 2024 Film Festival in the New German Television series.



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